Monday, March 16, 2009


See look if you´r with a boi am talking to the girls, especially if your boi friend is handsome just stick to him,"you see those abdomen is not easy to have them I personally it cost me hell I almost got diagnosed in search of good body fitness (shape)" ... cos now to friend a handsome boi is rare so hock up to that guy or-else you loose him.To all the bullshit that always pick and drop the next time you do that,that´s gonna be your last boifriend in life.

Friday, March 13, 2009

international woman's day

Yeah, the international women´s day I hope those senseless people are not forgetting the men cos all the countries has their own minister of defence not minister of attack. Look equality is not a word to be debated but things to work for, if you´r a woman and you want to become a president that´s your cup of tea, then go for studies am 100%´definitely sure nobody is going to stand as an obstacle in your way. The men now will be asking why there´r no men´s day, is obvious that the law are favouring/supporting the women and therefor living the men in the street. Is true when a matrimony separate and/or divorce the ladies goes with the 75% of the property the man should leave the house and some goodies,as far as i know am not a sexiest,let that be clear. And to those who thinks or favours the men in terms of job, it is a disgrace to you as a human hood, everybody is equal and you have no right to punish anybody due to the word "gender". Generally to mister law maker,the law should have 50% equality between the two party not 70-30% that´s improper equation. The men who want to become a house husband in future,start right now,learn how to cook because the women are 100% brilliant/better than the so called men.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

your bad english!

Ah!..this title is little bit too hard I won´t say or use the word bad here, because, wait a minute the reason why am writing this, is...Due to the recent mail I receive from some good people telling me my English is bad, I would love to clear some doubt.Look my own is alright, why? "you can´t compare me with somebody that only speak one language and/or two", in my case I speak different type of languages,which are ; English,Spanish,Edo,Pigeon English,Catalan and at this moment am actually practising Chinese & little bit French.I´m doing pretty well in almost all the language excluding few (you know) my native language.The question is to whom I write to they understand me, that´s the point,I don´t write to those that call themselves the brilliant I write to those willing to learn from other people in order to gain something in return.

Monday, March 9, 2009


uff!,it´s true most of my post are in english, why? cos almost half of the planet ( world) including the animals speak english, and the only way to communicate to people is speaking and/or writting in the language they understand and stop complicating things (YOURSELF). It´s quiet alright perhaps my next post is gonna be in spanish or my native language and I would see the way you pick up with me. Ah, that you are reading this post, am little bit short of words I gat "nothin" to say at this point, maybe I should press the publish post button, yes, is not a crime to finnish what you have started atleast not at this moment,Hahahaha.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

the audacity of hope

Can we spend all our days in cafe to catch mugu?YES WE CAN!

Can we blow up pipelines and siphon free fuel?YES WE CAN!

Can we bribe our professors/sleep with them and graduate with great degrees from college?YES WE CAN!

Can we chop and clean mouth with public money meant for health,education,roads e.t.c?YES WE CAN!

Can we strip an innocent lady naked and flog her just because say we be oga for navy?YES WE CAN!

Impossibility is not a Nigerian language.If you can imagine it,then,YES WE CAN!

P.S:all i do is to motivate,if you're upset cos i'm using negative potrayals of ya country,go out there and do something positive,YES YOU CAN!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

funny is'nt it

Can you imagine what we do to win any competition these days well don't you imagine. Reports from a Tennis tournament in down under New Zealand says that an eight(8) year old girl, was dismissed for wearing an ear piece during the games in a junior tennis tournament in the south Islands of Christchurch. Now officials say the young lady was wearing these ear piece to get direct instructions from her daddy, the referee became overly keen when too many match calls was noticed, and the device was discovered underneath the headband of the young 8 year old. But the father was quick to rebuff the statement that the device was used for cheating, claiming instead that it was used to keep the score of the young Anastasiya Korzh a Ukrainian born who was in her first tournament. Now who is telling the truth . The official or the young lady's father?

Friday, March 6, 2009

nigeria night of a thousand laugh

I really love the comedians especially "basket mouth" though sometimes I hardly hear what he´s saying,... be´cos he do imitate the igbos accent.

Although I´m somebody that love to laugh, even if it´s funny or not I just laugh ...why?

In order for the speaker "who is talkin" not to be bore or ashame, ...i just blow off my shinning white teeth.

Most people dont know how to make someone happy, ain´t sayin you should always behaive like a fool in order to impress your enemies.

NOTE... my 40% laugh is real, I haven´t the vaguest ideal about the remaining 60% so if you know it, you should help me cos I don´t know if am stupid.